
Leadership Rx Coaching

Strategically Handling Difficult Conversations: A Three-Step Framework

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Do you ever find yourself dreading those difficult conversations, whether it's with a colleague, a team member, or even at home? 😓


You're not alone.


But what if I told you that you could navigate these conversations with not just grace but confidence? 💪


I'm super excited to announce a brand-new podcast episode dropping today that's going to transform the way you handle challenging discussions. 🎧


Get ready to:

✅ Overcome the fear of speaking your mind

✅ Navigate the tightrope of delicate subjects

✅ Build rapport even when delivering tough messages

✅ And gain the confidence to truly own your space! 🌟


Here is the link to listen to the episode.



And make sure you're subscribed so you'll get notified the moment future episodes are released.


Keep an eye out on these emails to be the first to get your hands on a FREE Self-Assessment I'm working on that's going to blow your mind!

Leadership Rx Coaching

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